.. default-domain:: C io (input / output e.g. print) ================================================================================ Header: cglm/io.h There are some built-in print functions which may save your time, especially for debugging. All functions accept **FILE** parameter which makes very flexible. You can even print it to file on disk. In general you will want to print them to console to see results. You can use **stdout** and **stderr** to write results to console. Some programs may occupy **stdout** but you can still use **stderr**. Using **stderr** is suggested. Example to print mat4 matrix: .. code-block:: c mat4 transform; /* ... */ glm_mat4_print(transform, stderr); **NOTE:** print functions use **%0.4f** precision if you need more (you probably will in some cases), you can change it temporary. cglm may provide precision parameter in the future Changes since **v0.7.3**: * Now mis-alignment of columns are fixed: larger numbers are printed via %g and others are printed via %f. Column withs are calculated before print. * Now values are colorful ;) * Some print improvements * New options with default values: .. code-block:: c #define CGLM_PRINT_PRECISION 5 #define CGLM_PRINT_MAX_TO_SHORT 1e5 #define CGLM_PRINT_COLOR "\033[36m" #define CGLM_PRINT_COLOR_RESET "\033[0m" * Inline prints are only enabled in DEBUG mode and if **CGLM_DEFINE_PRINTS** is defined. Check options page. Table of contents (click to go): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Functions: 1. :c:func:`glm_mat4_print` #. :c:func:`glm_mat3_print` #. :c:func:`glm_vec4_print` #. :c:func:`glm_vec3_print` #. :c:func:`glm_ivec3_print` #. :c:func:`glm_versor_print` #. :c:func:`glm_aabb_print` Functions documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. c:function:: void glm_mat4_print(mat4 matrix, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print mat4 to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **matrix** matrix | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write .. c:function:: void glm_mat3_print(mat3 matrix, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print mat3 to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **matrix** matrix | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write .. c:function:: void glm_vec4_print(vec4 vec, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print vec4 to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **vec** vector | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write .. c:function:: void glm_vec3_print(vec3 vec, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print vec3 to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **vec** vector | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write .. c:function:: void glm_ivec3_print(ivec3 vec, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print ivec3 to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **vec** vector | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write .. c:function:: void glm_versor_print(versor vec, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print quaternion to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **vec** quaternion | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write .. c:function:: void glm_aabb_print(versor vec, const char * __restrict tag, FILE * __restrict ostream) | print aabb to given stream Parameters: | *[in]* **vec** aabb (axis-aligned bounding box) | *[in]* **tag** tag to find it more easly in logs | *[in]* **ostream** FILE to write