.. default-domain:: C mat2 ==== Header: cglm/mat2.h Table of contents (click to go): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Macros: 1. GLM_mat2_IDENTITY_INIT #. GLM_mat2_ZERO_INIT #. GLM_mat2_IDENTITY #. GLM_mat2_ZERO Functions: 1. :c:func:`glm_mat2_copy` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_identity` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_identity_array` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_zero` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_mul` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_transpose_to` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_transpose` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_mulv` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_scale` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_det` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_inv` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_trace` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_swap_col` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_swap_row` #. :c:func:`glm_mat2_rmc` Functions documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_copy(mat2 mat, mat2 dest) copy mat2 to another one (dest). Parameters: | *[in]* **mat** source | *[out]* **dest** destination .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_identity(mat2 mat) copy identity mat2 to mat, or makes mat to identiy Parameters: | *[out]* **mat** matrix .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_identity_array(mat2 * __restrict mat, size_t count) make given matrix array's each element identity matrix Parameters: | *[in,out]* **mat** matrix array (must be aligned (16/32) if alignment is not disabled) | *[in]* **count** count of matrices .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_zero(mat2 mat) make given matrix zero Parameters: | *[in,out]* **mat** matrix to .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_mul(mat2 m1, mat2 m2, mat2 dest) multiply m1 and m2 to dest m1, m2 and dest matrices can be same matrix, it is possible to write this: .. code-block:: c mat2 m = GLM_mat2_IDENTITY_INIT; glm_mat2_mul(m, m, m); Parameters: | *[in]* **m1** left matrix | *[in]* **m2** right matrix | *[out]* **dest** destination matrix .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_transpose_to(mat2 m, mat2 dest) transpose mat4 and store in dest source matrix will not be transposed unless dest is m Parameters: | *[in]* **mat** source | *[out]* **dest** destination .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_transpose(mat2 m) tranpose mat2 and store result in same matrix Parameters: | *[in]* **mat** source | *[out]* **dest** destination .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_mulv(mat2 m, vec2 v, vec2 dest) multiply mat4 with vec4 (column vector) and store in dest vector Parameters: | *[in]* **mat** mat2 (left) | *[in]* **v** vec2 (right, column vector) | *[out]* **dest** destination (result, column vector) .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_scale(mat2 m, float s) multiply matrix with scalar Parameters: | *[in, out]* **mat** matrix | *[in]* **dest** scalar .. c:function:: float glm_mat2_det(mat2 mat) returns mat2 determinant Parameters: | *[in]* **mat** matrix Returns: mat2 determinant .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_inv(mat2 mat, mat2 dest) inverse mat2 and store in dest Parameters: | *[in]* **mat** matrix | *[out]* **dest** destination (inverse matrix) .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_trace(mat2 m) | sum of the elements on the main diagonal from upper left to the lower right Parameters: | *[in]* **m** matrix Returns: trace of matrix .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_swap_col(mat2 mat, int col1, int col2) swap two matrix columns Parameters: | *[in, out]* **mat** matrix | *[in]* **col1** col1 | *[in]* **col2** col2 .. c:function:: void glm_mat2_swap_row(mat2 mat, int row1, int row2) swap two matrix rows Parameters: | *[in, out]* **mat** matrix | *[in]* **row1** row1 | *[in]* **row2** row2 .. c:function:: float glm_mat2_rmc(vec2 r, mat2 m, vec2 c) | **rmc** stands for **Row** * **Matrix** * **Column** | helper for R (row vector) * M (matrix) * C (column vector) | the result is scalar because R * M = Matrix1x2 (row vector), | then Matrix1x2 * Vec2 (column vector) = Matrix1x1 (Scalar) Parameters: | *[in]* **r** row vector or matrix1x2 | *[in]* **m** matrix2x2 | *[in]* **c** column vector or matrix2x1 Returns: scalar value e.g. Matrix1x1