.. default-domain:: C Bezier ================================================================================ Header: cglm/bezier.h Common helpers for cubic bezier and similar curves. Table of contents (click to go): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Functions: 1. :c:func:`glm_bezier` 2. :c:func:`glm_hermite` 3. :c:func:`glm_decasteljau` Functions documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. c:function:: float glm_bezier(float s, float p0, float c0, float c1, float p1) | cubic bezier interpolation | formula: .. code-block:: text B(s) = P0*(1-s)^3 + 3*C0*s*(1-s)^2 + 3*C1*s^2*(1-s) + P1*s^3 | similar result using matrix: .. code-block:: text B(s) = glm_smc(t, GLM_BEZIER_MAT, (vec4){p0, c0, c1, p1}) | glm_eq(glm_smc(...), glm_bezier(...)) should return TRUE Parameters: | *[in]* **s** parameter between 0 and 1 | *[in]* **p0** begin point | *[in]* **c0** control point 1 | *[in]* **c1** control point 2 | *[in]* **p1** end point Returns: B(s) .. c:function:: float glm_hermite(float s, float p0, float t0, float t1, float p1) | cubic hermite interpolation | formula: .. code-block:: text H(s) = P0*(2*s^3 - 3*s^2 + 1) + T0*(s^3 - 2*s^2 + s) + P1*(-2*s^3 + 3*s^2) + T1*(s^3 - s^2) | similar result using matrix: .. code-block:: text H(s) = glm_smc(t, GLM_HERMITE_MAT, (vec4){p0, p1, c0, c1}) | glm_eq(glm_smc(...), glm_hermite(...)) should return TRUE Parameters: | *[in]* **s** parameter between 0 and 1 | *[in]* **p0** begin point | *[in]* **t0** tangent 1 | *[in]* **t1** tangent 2 | *[in]* **p1** end point Returns: B(s) .. c:function:: float glm_decasteljau(float prm, float p0, float c0, float c1, float p1) | iterative way to solve cubic equation Parameters: | *[in]* **prm** parameter between 0 and 1 | *[in]* **p0** begin point | *[in]* **c0** control point 1 | *[in]* **c1** control point 2 | *[in]* **p1** end point Returns: parameter to use in cubic equation