from import Network import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import networkx as nx import pyvis import json MAX_DISPLAY = 3 THRESHOLD = 5 fun = lambda x : 10-x json_path = "graph.json" net = Network(height='980px', width='100%', bgcolor='#222222', font_color='white') net.barnes_hut() with open(json_path, 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) sources, targets, weights = [], [], [] for parent, element in data.items(): tmp_targets, tmp_weights = [], [] for child, weight in element.items(): if parent == child: pass else: adj_weight = fun(weight) net.add_node(parent, parent, title = parent) net.add_node(child, child, title = child) tmp_targets.append(child) tmp_weights.append( round(adj_weight, 2) ) s1, s2 = (list(reversed(t)) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(tmp_weights, tmp_targets)))) for i in range(min(MAX_DISPLAY, len(s2))): w = round(s1[i], 2) if w >= THRESHOLD: net.add_edge(parent, s2[i], value = w, title = s1[i]) neighbor_map = net.get_adj_list() edges = net.get_edges() nodes = net.get_nodes() N_nodes = len(nodes) N_edges = len(edges) weights=[[] for i in range(N_nodes)] #Associating weights to neighbors for i in range(N_nodes): #Loop through nodes for neighbor in neighbor_map[nodes[i]]: #and neighbors for j in range(N_edges): #associate weights to the edge between node and neighbor if (edges[j]['from']==nodes[i] and edges[j]['to']==neighbor) or \ (edges[j]['from']==neighbor and edges[j]['to']==nodes[i]): weights[i].append(edges[j]['value']) for node,i in zip(net.nodes,range(N_nodes)): node['value']=len(neighbor_map[node['id']]) node['weight']=[str(weights[i][k]) for k in range(len(weights[i]))] list_neighbor=list(neighbor_map[node['id']]) #Sort by score w_list = [node['weight'][k] for k in range(node['value'])] n_list = [list_neighbor[k] for k in range(node['value'])] try: s_weights, s_neighbors = (list(t) for t in zip(*sorted(zip(w_list, n_list)))) #Concatenating neighbors and weights hover_str=[s_neighbors[k]+' '+ s_weights[k] for k in range(node['value'])] #Setting up node title for hovering node['title']+=' Neighbors:
'.join(hover_str) except ValueError: pass net.toggle_physics(True)"graph.html")