/** @type {CharData} */ let characterData = []; // Initial character data set used. /** @type {CharData} */ let characterDataToSort = []; // Character data set after filtering. /** @type {Options} */ let options = []; // Initial option set used. let currentVersion = ''; // Which version of characterData and options are used. /** @type {(boolean|boolean[])[]} */ let optTaken = []; // Records which options are set. /** Save Data. Concatenated into array, joined into string (delimited by '|') and compressed with lz-string. */ let timestamp = 0; // savedata[0] (Unix time when sorter was started, used as initial PRNG seed and in dataset selection) let timeTaken = 0; // savedata[1] (Number of ms elapsed when sorter ends, used as end-of-sort flag and in filename generation) let choices = ''; // savedata[2] (String of '0', '1' and '2' that records what sorter choices are made) let optStr = ''; // savedata[3] (String of '0' and '1' that denotes top-level option selection) let suboptStr = ''; // savedata[4...n] (String of '0' and '1' that denotes nested option selection, separated by '|') let timeError = false; // Shifts entire savedata array to the right by 1 and adds an empty element at savedata[0] if true. /** Intermediate sorter data. */ let sortedIndexList = []; let recordDataList = []; let parentIndexList = []; let tiedDataList = []; let leftIndex = 0; let leftInnerIndex = 0; let rightIndex = 0; let rightInnerIndex = 0; let battleNo = 1; let sortedNo = 0; let pointer = 0; /** A copy of intermediate sorter data is recorded for undo() purposes. */ let sortedIndexListPrev = []; let recordDataListPrev = []; let parentIndexListPrev = []; let tiedDataListPrev = []; let leftIndexPrev = 0; let leftInnerIndexPrev = 0; let rightIndexPrev = 0; let rightInnerIndexPrev = 0; let battleNoPrev = 1; let sortedNoPrev = 0; let pointerPrev = 0; /** Miscellaneous sorter data that doesn't need to be saved for undo(). */ let finalCharacters = []; let loading = false; let totalBattles = 0; let sorterURL = window.location.host + window.location.pathname; let storedSaveType = localStorage.getItem(`${sorterURL}_saveType`); /** Initialize script. */ function init() { /** Define button behavior. */ document.querySelector('.starting.start.button').addEventListener('click', start); document.querySelector('.starting.load.button').addEventListener('click', loadProgress); document.querySelector('.left.sort.image').addEventListener('click', () => pick('left')); document.querySelector('.right.sort.image').addEventListener('click', () => pick('right')); document.querySelector('.sorting.tie.button').addEventListener('click', () => pick('tie')); document.querySelector('.sorting.undo.button').addEventListener('click', undo); document.querySelector('.sorting.save.button').addEventListener('click', () => saveProgress('Progress')); document.querySelector('.finished.save.button').addEventListener('click', () => saveProgress('Last Result')); document.querySelector('.finished.getimg.button').addEventListener('click', generateImage); document.querySelector('.finished.list.button').addEventListener('click', generateTextList); document.querySelector('.clearsave').addEventListener('click', clearProgress); /** Define keyboard controls (up/down/left/right vimlike k/j/h/l). */ document.addEventListener('keypress', (ev) => { /** If sorting is in progress. */ if (timestamp && !timeTaken && !loading && choices.length === battleNo - 1) { switch(ev.key) { case 's': case '3': saveProgress('Progress'); break; case 'h': case 'ArrowLeft': pick('left'); break; case 'l': case 'ArrowRight': pick('right'); break; case 'k': case '1': case 'ArrowUp': pick('tie'); break; case 'j': case '2': case 'ArrowDown': undo(); break; default: break; } } /** If sorting has ended. */ else if (timeTaken && choices.length === battleNo - 1) { switch(ev.key) { case 'k': case '1': saveProgress('Last Result'); break; case 'j': case '2': generateImage(); break; case 's': case '3': generateTextList(); break; default: break; } } else { // If sorting hasn't started yet. switch(ev.key) { case '1': case 's': case 'Enter': start(); break; case '2': case 'l': loadProgress(); break; default: break; } } }); document.querySelector('.image.selector').insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', document.createElement('select')); /** Initialize image quantity selector for results. */ for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) { const select = document.createElement('option'); select.value = i; select.text = i; if (i === 3) { select.selected = 'selected'; } document.querySelector('.image.selector > select').insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', select); } document.querySelector('.image.selector > select').addEventListener('input', (e) => { const imageNum = e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex].value; result(Number(imageNum)); }); /** Show load button if save data exists. */ if (storedSaveType) { document.querySelector('.starting.load.button > span').insertAdjacentText('beforeend', storedSaveType); document.querySelectorAll('.starting.button').forEach(el => { el.style['grid-row'] = 'span 3'; el.style.display = 'block'; }); } setLatestDataset(); /** Decode query string if available. */ if (window.location.search.slice(1) !== '') decodeQuery(); } /** Begin sorting. */ function start() { /** Copy data into sorting array to filter. */ characterDataToSort = characterData.slice(0); /** Check selected options and convert to boolean array form. */ optTaken = []; options.forEach(opt => { if ('sub' in opt) { if (!document.getElementById(`cbgroup-${opt.key}`).checked) optTaken.push(false); else { const suboptArray = opt.sub.reduce((arr, val, idx) => { arr.push(document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}-${idx}`).checked); return arr; }, []); optTaken.push(suboptArray); } } else { optTaken.push(document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}`).checked); } }); /** Convert boolean array form to string form. */ optStr = ''; suboptStr = ''; optStr = optTaken .map(val => !!val) .reduce((str, val) => { str += val ? '1' : '0'; return str; }, optStr); optTaken.forEach(val => { if (Array.isArray(val)) { suboptStr += '|'; suboptStr += val.reduce((str, val) => { str += val ? '1' : '0'; return str; }, ''); } }); /** Filter out deselected nested criteria and remove selected criteria. */ options.forEach((opt, index) => { if ('sub' in opt) { if (optTaken[index]) { const subArray = optTaken[index].reduce((subList, subBool, subIndex) => { if (subBool) { subList.push(options[index].sub[subIndex].key); } return subList; }, []); characterDataToSort = characterDataToSort.filter(char => { if (!(opt.key in char.opts)) console.warn(`Warning: ${opt.key} not set for ${char.name}.`); return opt.key in char.opts && char.opts[opt.key].some(key => subArray.includes(key)); }); } } else if (optTaken[index]) { characterDataToSort = characterDataToSort.filter(char => !char.opts[opt.key]); } }); if (characterDataToSort.length < 2) { alert('Cannot sort with less than two characters. Please reselect.'); return; } /** Shuffle character array with timestamp seed. */ timestamp = timestamp || new Date().getTime(); if (new Date(timestamp) < new Date(currentVersion)) { timeError = true; } Math.seedrandom(timestamp); characterDataToSort = characterDataToSort .map(a => [Math.random(), a]) .sort((a,b) => a[0] - b[0]) .map(a => a[1]); /** * tiedDataList will keep a record of indexes on which characters are equal (i.e. tied) * to another one. recordDataList will have an interim list of sorted elements during * the mergesort process. */ recordDataList = characterDataToSort.map(() => 0); tiedDataList = characterDataToSort.map(() => -1); /** * Put a list of indexes that we'll be sorting into sortedIndexList. These will refer back * to characterDataToSort. * * Begin splitting each element into little arrays and spread them out over sortedIndexList * increasing its length until it become arrays of length 1 and you can't split it anymore. * * parentIndexList indicates each element's parent (i.e. where it was split from), except * for the first element, which has no parent. */ sortedIndexList[0] = characterDataToSort.map((val, idx) => idx); parentIndexList[0] = -1; let midpoint = 0; // Indicates where to split the array. let marker = 1; // Indicates where to place our newly split array. for (let i = 0; i < sortedIndexList.length; i++) { if (sortedIndexList[i].length > 1) { let parent = sortedIndexList[i]; midpoint = Math.ceil(parent.length / 2); sortedIndexList[marker] = parent.slice(0, midpoint); // Split the array in half, and put the left half into the marked index. totalBattles += sortedIndexList[marker].length; // The result's length will add to our total number of comparisons. parentIndexList[marker] = i; // Record where it came from. marker++; // Increment the marker to put the right half into. sortedIndexList[marker] = parent.slice(midpoint, parent.length); // Put the right half next to its left half. totalBattles += sortedIndexList[marker].length; // The result's length will add to our total number of comparisons. parentIndexList[marker] = i; // Record where it came from. marker++; // Rinse and repeat, until we get arrays of length 1. This is initialization of merge sort. } } leftIndex = sortedIndexList.length - 2; // Start with the second last value and... rightIndex = sortedIndexList.length - 1; // the last value in the sorted list and work our way down to index 0. leftInnerIndex = 0; // Inner indexes, because we'll be comparing the left array rightInnerIndex = 0; // to the right array, in order to merge them into one sorted array. /** Disable all checkboxes and hide/show appropriate parts while we preload the images. */ document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]').forEach(cb => cb.disabled = true); document.querySelectorAll('.starting.button').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'none'); document.querySelector('.loading.button').style.display = 'block'; document.querySelector('.progress').style.display = 'block'; loading = true; preloadImages().then(() => { loading = false; document.querySelector('.loading.button').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelectorAll('.sorting.button').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'block'); document.querySelectorAll('.sort.text').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'block'); display(); }); } /** Displays the current state of the sorter. */ function display() { const percent = Math.floor(sortedNo * 100 / totalBattles); const leftCharIndex = sortedIndexList[leftIndex][leftInnerIndex]; const rightCharIndex = sortedIndexList[rightIndex][rightInnerIndex]; const leftChar = characterDataToSort[leftCharIndex]; const rightChar = characterDataToSort[rightCharIndex]; const charNameDisp = name => { const charName = reduceTextWidth(name, 'Arial 12.8px', 220); const charTooltip = name !== charName ? name : ''; return `


`; }; progressBar(`Battle No. ${battleNo}`, percent); document.querySelector('.left.sort.image').src = leftChar.img; document.querySelector('.right.sort.image').src = rightChar.img; document.querySelector('.left.sort.text').innerHTML = charNameDisp(leftChar.name); document.querySelector('.right.sort.text').innerHTML = charNameDisp(rightChar.name); /** Autopick if choice has been given. */ if (choices.length !== battleNo - 1) { switch (Number(choices[battleNo - 1])) { case 0: pick('left'); break; case 1: pick('right'); break; case 2: pick('tie'); break; default: break; } } else { saveProgress('Autosave'); } } /** * Sort between two character choices or tie. * * @param {'left'|'right'|'tie'} sortType */ function pick(sortType) { if ((timeTaken && choices.length === battleNo - 1) || loading) { return; } else if (!timestamp) { return start(); } sortedIndexListPrev = sortedIndexList.slice(0); recordDataListPrev = recordDataList.slice(0); parentIndexListPrev = parentIndexList.slice(0); tiedDataListPrev = tiedDataList.slice(0); leftIndexPrev = leftIndex; leftInnerIndexPrev = leftInnerIndex; rightIndexPrev = rightIndex; rightInnerIndexPrev = rightInnerIndex; battleNoPrev = battleNo; sortedNoPrev = sortedNo; pointerPrev = pointer; /** * For picking 'left' or 'right': * * Input the selected character's index into recordDataList. Increment the pointer of * recordDataList. Then, check if there are any ties with this character, and keep * incrementing until we find no more ties. */ switch (sortType) { case 'left': { if (choices.length === battleNo - 1) { choices += '0'; } recordData('left'); while (tiedDataList[recordDataList[pointer - 1]] != -1) { recordData('left'); } break; } case 'right': { if (choices.length === battleNo - 1) { choices += '1'; } recordData('right'); while (tiedDataList[recordDataList [pointer - 1]] != -1) { recordData('right'); } break; } /** * For picking 'tie' (i.e. heretics): * * Proceed as if we picked the 'left' character. Then, we record the right character's * index value into the list of ties (at the left character's index) and then proceed * as if we picked the 'right' character. */ case 'tie': { if (choices.length === battleNo - 1) { choices += '2'; } recordData('left'); while (tiedDataList[recordDataList[pointer - 1]] != -1) { recordData('left'); } tiedDataList[recordDataList[pointer - 1]] = sortedIndexList[rightIndex][rightInnerIndex]; recordData('right'); while (tiedDataList[recordDataList [pointer - 1]] != -1) { recordData('right'); } break; } default: return; } /** * Once we reach the limit of the 'right' character list, we * insert all of the 'left' characters into the record, or vice versa. */ const leftListLen = sortedIndexList[leftIndex].length; const rightListLen = sortedIndexList[rightIndex].length; if (leftInnerIndex < leftListLen && rightInnerIndex === rightListLen) { while (leftInnerIndex < leftListLen) { recordData('left'); } } else if (leftInnerIndex === leftListLen && rightInnerIndex < rightListLen) { while (rightInnerIndex < rightListLen) { recordData('right'); } } /** * Once we reach the end of both 'left' and 'right' character lists, we can remove * the arrays from the initial mergesort array, since they are now recorded. This * record is a sorted version of both lists, so we can replace their original * (unsorted) parent with a sorted version. Purge the record afterwards. */ if (leftInnerIndex === leftListLen && rightInnerIndex === rightListLen) { for (let i = 0; i < leftListLen + rightListLen; i++) { sortedIndexList[parentIndexList[leftIndex]][i] = recordDataList[i]; } sortedIndexList.pop(); sortedIndexList.pop(); leftIndex = leftIndex - 2; rightIndex = rightIndex - 2; leftInnerIndex = 0; rightInnerIndex = 0; sortedIndexList.forEach((val, idx) => recordDataList[idx] = 0); pointer = 0; } /** * If, after shifting the 'left' index on the sorted list, we reach past the beginning * of the sorted array, that means the entire array is now sorted. The original unsorted * array in index 0 is now replaced with a sorted version, and we will now output this. */ if (leftIndex < 0) { timeTaken = timeTaken || new Date().getTime() - timestamp; progressBar(`Battle No. ${battleNo} - Completed!`, 100); result(); } else { battleNo++; display(); } } /** * Records data in recordDataList. * * @param {'left'|'right'} sortType Record from the left or the right character array. */ function recordData(sortType) { if (sortType === 'left') { recordDataList[pointer] = sortedIndexList[leftIndex][leftInnerIndex]; leftInnerIndex++; } else { recordDataList[pointer] = sortedIndexList[rightIndex][rightInnerIndex]; rightInnerIndex++; } pointer++; sortedNo++; } /** * Modifies the progress bar. * * @param {string} indicator * @param {number} percentage */ function progressBar(indicator, percentage) { document.querySelector('.progressbattle').innerHTML = indicator; document.querySelector('.progressfill').style.width = `${percentage}%`; document.querySelector('.progresstext').innerHTML = `${percentage}%`; } /** * Shows the result of the sorter. * * @param {number} [imageNum=3] Number of images to display. Defaults to 3. */ function result(imageNum = 3) { document.querySelectorAll('.finished.button').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'block'); document.querySelector('.image.selector').style.display = 'block'; document.querySelector('.time.taken').style.display = 'block'; document.querySelectorAll('.sorting.button').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'none'); document.querySelectorAll('.sort.text').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'none'); document.querySelector('.options').style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector('.info').style.display = 'none'; const header = '
'; const timeStr = `This sorter was completed on ${new Date(timestamp + timeTaken).toString()} and took ${msToReadableTime(timeTaken)}. Do another sorter?`; const imgRes = (char, num) => { const charName = reduceTextWidth(char.name, 'Arial 12px', 160); const charTooltip = char.name !== charName ? char.name : ''; return `
`; } const res = (char, num) => { const charName = reduceTextWidth(char.name, 'Arial 12px', 160); const charTooltip = char.name !== charName ? char.name : ''; return `
`; } let rankNum = 1; let tiedRankNum = 1; let imageDisplay = imageNum; const finalSortedIndexes = sortedIndexList[0].slice(0); const resultTable = document.querySelector('.results'); const timeElem = document.querySelector('.time.taken'); resultTable.innerHTML = header; timeElem.innerHTML = timeStr; characterDataToSort.forEach((val, idx) => { const characterIndex = finalSortedIndexes[idx]; const character = characterDataToSort[characterIndex]; if (imageDisplay-- > 0) { resultTable.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', imgRes(character, rankNum)); } else { resultTable.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', res(character, rankNum)); } finalCharacters.push({ rank: rankNum, name: character.name }); if (idx < characterDataToSort.length - 1) { if (tiedDataList[characterIndex] === finalSortedIndexes[idx + 1]) { tiedRankNum++; // Indicates how many people are tied at the same rank. } else { rankNum += tiedRankNum; // Add it to the actual ranking, then reset it. tiedRankNum = 1; // The default value is 1, so it increments as normal if no ties. } } }); } /** Undo previous choice. */ function undo() { if (timeTaken) { return; } choices = battleNo === battleNoPrev ? choices : choices.slice(0, -1); sortedIndexList = sortedIndexListPrev.slice(0); recordDataList = recordDataListPrev.slice(0); parentIndexList = parentIndexListPrev.slice(0); tiedDataList = tiedDataListPrev.slice(0); leftIndex = leftIndexPrev; leftInnerIndex = leftInnerIndexPrev; rightIndex = rightIndexPrev; rightInnerIndex = rightInnerIndexPrev; battleNo = battleNoPrev; sortedNo = sortedNoPrev; pointer = pointerPrev; display(); } /** * Save progress to local browser storage. * * @param {'Autosave'|'Progress'|'Last Result'} saveType */ function saveProgress(saveType) { const saveData = generateSavedata(); localStorage.setItem(`${sorterURL}_saveData`, saveData); localStorage.setItem(`${sorterURL}_saveType`, saveType); if (saveType !== 'Autosave') { const saveURL = `${location.protocol}//${sorterURL}?${saveData}`; const inProgressText = 'You may click Load Progress after this to resume, or use this URL.'; const finishedText = 'You may use this URL to share this result, or click Load Last Result to view it again.'; window.prompt(saveType === 'Last Result' ? finishedText : inProgressText, saveURL); } } /** * Load progress from local browser storage. */ function loadProgress() { const saveData = localStorage.getItem(`${sorterURL}_saveData`); if (saveData) decodeQuery(saveData); } /** * Clear progress from local browser storage. */ function clearProgress() { storedSaveType = ''; localStorage.removeItem(`${sorterURL}_saveData`); localStorage.removeItem(`${sorterURL}_saveType`); document.querySelectorAll('.starting.start.button').forEach(el => el.style['grid-row'] = 'span 6'); document.querySelectorAll('.starting.load.button').forEach(el => el.style.display = 'none'); } function generateImage() { const timeFinished = timestamp + timeTaken; const tzoffset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; const filename = 'sort-' + (new Date(timeFinished - tzoffset)).toISOString().slice(0, -5).replace('T', '(') + ').png'; html2canvas(document.querySelector('.results')).then(canvas => { const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(); const imgButton = document.querySelector('.finished.getimg.button'); const resetButton = document.createElement('a'); imgButton.removeEventListener('click', generateImage); imgButton.innerHTML = ''; imgButton.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `Download Image

`); resetButton.insertAdjacentText('beforeend', 'Reset'); resetButton.addEventListener('click', (event) => { imgButton.addEventListener('click', generateImage); imgButton.innerHTML = 'Generate Image'; event.stopPropagation(); }); imgButton.insertAdjacentElement('beforeend', resetButton); }); } function generateTextList() { const data = finalCharacters.reduce((str, char) => { str += `${char.rank}. ${char.name}
`; return str; }, ''); const oWindow = window.open("", "", "height=640,width=480"); oWindow.document.write(data); } function generateSavedata() { const saveData = `${timeError?'|':''}${timestamp}|${timeTaken}|${choices}|${optStr}${suboptStr}`; return LZString.compressToEncodedURIComponent(saveData); } /** Retrieve latest character data and options from dataset. */ function setLatestDataset() { /** Set some defaults. */ timestamp = 0; timeTaken = 0; choices = ''; const latestDateIndex = Object.keys(dataSet) .map(date => new Date(date)) .reduce((latestDateIndex, currentDate, currentIndex, array) => { return currentDate > array[latestDateIndex] ? currentIndex : latestDateIndex; }, 0); currentVersion = Object.keys(dataSet)[latestDateIndex]; characterData = dataSet[currentVersion].characterData; options = dataSet[currentVersion].options; populateOptions(); } /** Populate option list. */ function populateOptions() { const optList = document.querySelector('.options'); const optInsert = (name, id, tooltip, checked = true, disabled = false) => { return `
`; }; const optInsertLarge = (name, id, tooltip, checked = true) => { return `
`; }; /** Clear out any previous options. */ optList.innerHTML = ''; /** Insert sorter options and set grouped option behavior. */ options.forEach(opt => { if ('sub' in opt) { optList.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', optInsertLarge(opt.name, opt.key, opt.tooltip, opt.checked)); opt.sub.forEach((subopt, subindex) => { optList.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', optInsert(subopt.name, `${opt.key}-${subindex}`, subopt.tooltip, subopt.checked, opt.checked === false)); }); optList.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '
'); const groupbox = document.getElementById(`cbgroup-${opt.key}`); groupbox.parentElement.addEventListener('click', () => { opt.sub.forEach((subopt, subindex) => { document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}-${subindex}`).disabled = !groupbox.checked; if (groupbox.checked) { document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}-${subindex}`).checked = true; } }); }); } else { optList.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', optInsert(opt.name, opt.key, opt.tooltip, opt.checked)); } }); } /** * Decodes compressed shareable link query string. * @param {string} queryString */ function decodeQuery(queryString = window.location.search.slice(1)) { let successfulLoad; try { /** * Retrieve data from compressed string. * @type {string[]} */ const decoded = LZString.decompressFromEncodedURIComponent(queryString).split('|'); if (!decoded[0]) { decoded.splice(0, 1); timeError = true; } timestamp = Number(decoded.splice(0, 1)[0]); timeTaken = Number(decoded.splice(0, 1)[0]); choices = decoded.splice(0, 1)[0]; const optDecoded = decoded.splice(0, 1)[0]; const suboptDecoded = decoded.slice(0); /** * Get latest data set version from before the timestamp. * If timestamp is before or after any of the datasets, get the closest one. * If timestamp is between any of the datasets, get the one in the past, but if timeError is set, get the one in the future. */ const seedDate = { str: timestamp, val: new Date(timestamp) }; const dateMap = Object.keys(dataSet) .map(date => { return { str: date, val: new Date(date) }; }) const beforeDateIndex = dateMap .reduce((prevIndex, currDate, currIndex) => { return currDate.val < seedDate.val ? currIndex : prevIndex; }, -1); const afterDateIndex = dateMap.findIndex(date => date.val > seedDate.val); if (beforeDateIndex === -1) { currentVersion = dateMap[afterDateIndex].str; } else if (afterDateIndex === -1) { currentVersion = dateMap[beforeDateIndex].str; } else { currentVersion = dateMap[timeError ? afterDateIndex : beforeDateIndex].str; } options = dataSet[currentVersion].options; characterData = dataSet[currentVersion].characterData; /** Populate option list and decode options selected. */ populateOptions(); let suboptDecodedIndex = 0; options.forEach((opt, index) => { if ('sub' in opt) { const optIsTrue = optDecoded[index] === '1'; document.getElementById(`cbgroup-${opt.key}`).checked = optIsTrue; opt.sub.forEach((subopt, subindex) => { const subIsTrue = optIsTrue ? suboptDecoded[suboptDecodedIndex][subindex] === '1' : true; document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}-${subindex}`).checked = subIsTrue; document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}-${subindex}`).disabled = optIsTrue; }); suboptDecodedIndex = suboptDecodedIndex + optIsTrue ? 1 : 0; } else { document.getElementById(`cb-${opt.key}`).checked = optDecoded[index] === '1'; } }); successfulLoad = true; } catch (err) { console.error(`Error loading shareable link: ${err}`); setLatestDataset(); // Restore to default function if loading link does not work. } if (successfulLoad) { start(); } } /** * Preloads images in the filtered character data and converts to base64 representation. */ function preloadImages() { const totalLength = characterDataToSort.length; let imagesLoaded = 0; const loadImage = async (src) => { const blob = await fetch(src).then(res => res.blob()); return new Promise((res, rej) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = ev => { progressBar(`Loading Image ${++imagesLoaded}`, Math.floor(imagesLoaded * 100 / totalLength)); res(ev.target.result); }; reader.onerror = rej; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); }; return Promise.all(characterDataToSort.map(async (char, idx) => { characterDataToSort[idx].img = await loadImage(imageRoot + char.img); })); } /** * Returns a readable time string from milliseconds. * * @param {number} milliseconds */ function msToReadableTime (milliseconds) { let t = Math.floor(milliseconds/1000); const years = Math.floor(t / 31536000); t = t - (years * 31536000); const months = Math.floor(t / 2592000); t = t - (months * 2592000); const days = Math.floor(t / 86400); t = t - (days * 86400); const hours = Math.floor(t / 3600); t = t - (hours * 3600); const minutes = Math.floor(t / 60); t = t - (minutes * 60); const content = []; if (years) content.push(years + " year" + (years > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (months) content.push(months + " month" + (months > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (days) content.push(days + " day" + (days > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (hours) content.push(hours + " hour" + (hours > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (minutes) content.push(minutes + " minute" + (minutes > 1 ? "s" : "")); if (t) content.push(t + " second" + (t > 1 ? "s" : "")); return content.slice(0,3).join(', '); } /** * Reduces text to a certain rendered width. * * @param {string} text Text to reduce. * @param {string} font Font applied to text. Example "12px Arial". * @param {number} width Width of desired width in px. */ function reduceTextWidth(text, font, width) { const canvas = reduceTextWidth.canvas || (reduceTextWidth.canvas = document.createElement("canvas")); const context = canvas.getContext("2d"); context.font = font; if (context.measureText(text).width < width * 0.8) { return text; } else { let reducedText = text; while (context.measureText(reducedText).width + context.measureText('..').width > width * 0.8) { reducedText = reducedText.slice(0, -1); } return reducedText + '..'; } } window.onload = init;